Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy explains how GlucoSweet and its affiliates (further referred to as “GlucoSweet”, “Sockii Pty Ltd”, “we” or “us”) collect, use, and share information when you use our websites (including or our applications (collectively referred to as our “Services”).

This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and is subject to the GlucoSweet Terms of Service. Your use of the GlucoSweet Service and any personal information you provide to us or via the GlucoSweet Service remains subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy will be updated to reflect our current data collection, use, and sharing practices.

Third Party Services

In addition to the Services we provide directly, we also use third party service providers (collectively referred to as “Third Party Services”) who operate their own Privacy Policies (listed below) and may also provide options to 'opt-out' of data collection. All the Third Party Services we use we, as a company, trust and deem their services important into our effective operation.

  • Firebase Crashlytics — to capture and collect crash logs to help us identify bugs in our software. Crashlytics Privacy Policy:
  • Apple iCloud — (if user enabled) for the storage and syncing of your GlucoSweet data. iCloud Privacy is covered under the Apple Privacy Policy:
  • Apple Analytics — (if user enabled) for the collection of anonymous analytical data to help us better understand how our customers and users use our Services. App Analytics is covered under the Apple Privacy Policy:

Information We Collect And How We Use It

In order to provide you with our Services, we collect certain information from you when you interact with our Services.

From our website:

  • Name and email address — you may provide this information to us through correspondence (for example via email).
  • Correspondence and communications — any other information you choose to share with us via correspondence, including but not limited to email, support requests, post or social media. We use this information to understand your correspondence and respond to your enquiries.

From our applications and third party services associated with it:
  • In the event of GlucoSweet crashing on your device, we will receive information about your device model software version and device operating system, which allows us to identify and fix bugs and otherwise improve the performance of GlucoSweet. This information is sent to us as aggregated information and is not traceable to any individual and cannot be used to identify an individual.

Data Storage

  • All application data (that is the data you create and add to GlucoSweet) is only stored locally on your devices and, if enabled, on iCloud. This data is never shared with any other services or people.
  • We have no way to access GlucoSweet application data and therefore cannot read, recover or share data for or on behalf of any person or organisation.

Changes to this Policy

From time to time we may change our privacy policy and although these changes might be minor we encourage our users to check this page regularly. Any major changes of significant impact to our users will be communicated on the Sockii site and in-app. By continuing to use GlucoSweet after those changes become effective, you are agreeing to be bound by the revised policy.

Last Updated: 17 November 2021